The Borough of Lakehurst Historical Society

“The Small Town with a BIG History”

Chartered 1990 / Lakehurst Museum Opened 1993

Museum hours– Wednesday & Sunday 12:30pm-3:00pm

Museum location– 300 Center St. Lakehurst, NJ 08733

Museum Free Parking– next to the Lakehurst Community Center

President- Bernadette Dugan 732-657-8864

Join us on March 19 7PM in Lakehurst to learn more about the upcoming 250th Commemoration of the American Revolution.

Tag: Hindenburg

  • New in July at the Lakehurst Museum

    Our appreciation to Howard Height for his donation to the Lakehurst Museum of a Hindenburg artifact given to him by his father many years ago. Mr. Height wants the artifact to be displayed to help us identify the purpose of the 5.25″ diameter by .25″ thick metal disk…can you offer a guess? Our appreciation to…